Advertisers Start Here

We welcome advertisers in the eXcesS Capacity marketplace.

If you are a business that wants to advertise in the eXcesS Capacity marketplace, then you must

1) Join the eXcesS Capacity marketplace. Membership is free.

2) Agree to our advertising terms and conditions.

3) Enter the number of months above that you want to list your advertisement.

4) Click the "Rent" button above to authorize your payment.

After we receive and confirm your payment we send to your eXcesS Capacity message inbox a unique "Ad ID number" which you include in the advertisement listing you create.

5) Follow the instructions below on posting your advertisement.

---Advertising Terms and Conditions---

Here are instructions on how to post your advertisement and rules to follow.

1) Advertisers must follow the instructions above to join the eXcesS Capacity marketplace.

Advertisers must specify and purchase the number of months they want their advertisement listed after the "listing created" date, which is located at the bottom of each listing.

The eXcesS Capacity Administrator assigns an "Ad ID number" which advertisers include in the advertisement post they create.

2) Advertisers must post their listing, with their assigned "Ad ID number", of their product or service for rent or for sale in the "Advertisements" subcategory of the "Ads" category.

The advertisement is either an "Ad" order type or another order type where a Buyer may pay for the item(s).

In the listing's description area, the advertiser updates the "Keyword" section with keywords relevant to a search for their product or service.

3) There is one advertisement listing allowed per unique "Ad ID number" assigned.

If more than one listing exists per unique "Ad ID number" then the eXcesS Capacity Administrator will contact the Advertiser to have them either purchase another Ad ID number or the listing is closed.

4) Prior to the expiration date, the advertiser may contact the eXcesS Capacity Administrator to request additional months.

5) Advertisements expire when the number of months purchased for an ad is exceeded.

Visit this link for details on how the marketplace works

V: 1.08

Preis pro Maßeinheit: pro Monat
Artikelstandort Bundesstaat oder Region: GA
System-ID: P001 - Produktionssystem
Mitgliedsnummer: 100000000
Neues Datum: 20 Feb 2020
Eintrag erfolgreich erstellt 4 Feb 2017

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