Alexandra's Video and Marketing Services

Alexandra’s Video and Marketing LLC is a one-stop shop for all your marketing needs. She specializes in creating video content to assist businesses with their marketing. She also can help create and manage websites along with social media platforms.

—Availability Calendar—

Her normal business hours are

Mon to Fri 8am to 5pm.

Please contact her to confirm her availability.

—Terms and Conditions—

Alexandra will send you a contract with terms and conditions for engaging her professional services.


Please click the “Contact” button to send Alexandra an email message. She’ll respond to your request soon.


Social Media


Alexandra Vitale Visits Oliver's in North Buffalo

Precio por Unidad de Medida: por hora
Ubicación del Estado o Región: SC
Producto o Servicio: Servicio
Alquiler o Venta: Alquiler
ID del Sistema: Q001 - Sistema de Aseguramiento de la Calidad
Identificación de miembro: 100000037
Fecha Actualizada: 6 jun 2019
condición: N/A
Anuncio creado el 22 ene 2018

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