251 Common Area Cleaning Services

This is compensation for providing cleaning services of the 251 Common Area which includes completion of all of the following tasks.

---Common Area Cleaning Tasks---

Upstairs Bathroom
. Spray shower walls with Tilex or comparable bleach cleaner
. Remove and wash inner shower liner with hot water and bleach in washing machine and replace when done
. Clean tub with Comet using a wet sponge
. Sweep floor
. Vacuum carpet
. Clean mirror with glass cleaner and wipe off with paper towels
. Spray toilet and countertop with bleach cleaner and wipe off with paper towels

Upstairs Hallway
. Vacuum carpet

. Sweep stairs with broom and dust pan

Front Entryway
. Sweep floor with broom and dust pan
. Vacuum carpets

Living Room
. Wipe off tables with dust cloth
. Vacuum carpets

Dining Room
. Remove placemats and wipe off dining room table
. Sweep floors with broom and dust pan
. Vacuum carpets

. Spray countertop and island countertop with bleach cleaner and wipe off with paper towels
. Wipe off stove top with wet dishcloth
. Spray outside of refrigerator with stainless steel spray cleaner and wipe off with cloth
. Wipe up any spills inside refrigerator with wet dishcloth
. Spray oven door with stainless steel spray cleaner and wipe off with cloth
. Rinse dirty dishes in sink, put dirty dishes in dishwasher, run dishwasher using 1 dishwasher detergent pack under kitchen sink
. Spray dishwasher door with stainless steel spray cleaner and wipe off with cloth
. Sweep floors with broom and dust pan

Laundry Room
. Sweep floors with broom and dust pan

Downstairs Bathroom
. Spray toilet and sink with bleach cleaner and wipe off with paper towels
. Clean mirror with glass cleaner and wipe off with paper towels
. Sweep floors with broom and dust pan
. Vacuum carpet

---Cleaning Supplies---

Cleaning supplies are
. Under the kitchen sink
. Under the upstairs bathroom sink
. In the laundry room
. Paper towels are in the downstairs closet next to the bathroom

Precio por Unidad de Medida: por artículo
Ubicación del Estado o Región: SC
Producto o Servicio: Servicio
Alquiler o Venta: Alquiler
ID del Sistema: P001 - Sistema de Producción
Identificación de miembro: 100000121
Fecha Actualizada: 25 ago 2022
Útil en La Recuperación de Desastres:
Anuncio creado el 24 ago 2022

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