Room Security Deposit
This is a security deposit to rent a room on a month-to-month basis at "251".
—Terms and Conditions—
This security deposit is earnest money toward renting a room. Until the security deposit is received 251 Owner will continue to advertise the room as available.
The unit price is $1.00 per unit.
Total Security Deposit Units: 450
Please enter "450" units in the entry field and click the "Buy" button to make your payment.
---Multiple Partial Payment Plan Option---
You have the option to make multiple partial payments by submitting multiple payments ensuring the total number of units submitted and accepted by the Seller is equivalent to the Total Security Deposit Units.
For example, you may submit multiple payments if you are paying with multiple credit cards.
For tracking purposes, please add the following note in the message area on the next page
"This is payment xx of yy." where xx is the current payment and yy is the total payments.
Buyer and Seller may correspond via the internal messaging system what the status is of the remaining units the Buyer owes the Seller.
These funds are kept in escrow until the renter vacates "251".
This security deposit is fully refunded to the renter provided there are no damages to the room when the renter vacates.
—Availability Calendar—
Please click the “Contact” button to send us an email message. We’ll respond to your request soon.
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Cayce, SC
Columbia, SC
Security Deposit
University of South Carolina
---Photo Credit---
Photo by Renaud d'Avout - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,